Friday, February 11, 2011

Lottery Winners of the World Unite!


We are in a pickle, folks. We need to create World Family, and we need to do it soon, because the world is beginning to crumble under the weight of all the lies and greed and anger and selfishness which make up our combined failing systems of Capitalism and Democracy.

So I'll say this at the top, dear Lottery Winners, you wonderful people, you... we need your money! All of it! And from all of you! And the sooner the better!

Tum-tee-dum . . . I'm waiting.

Stillllll waiting . . . Any calls, Ms Tuohy? No?

I think I'm going to have to be more convincing than that. I can't imagine that anyone would stop reading after this sentence, and sign their fortune over to me. Nope, didn't happen. My 'World Family' bank account still has the $250 I put in it to keep it open all these months. Oh, my last statement read $250.01. Thanks to accrued interest we're on the way now. Ha. Ha.

I mean, where else would the money come from to create a new social system which, once it is fully implemented, will not use money? Almost all the people who currently have a lot of money have had to earn it over years, fighting to keep it, often sacrificing their ethics to do so. Because of that they have changed now, becoming more selfish and less tolerant of those who have little, and they guard their money closely and are not about to invest most or all of it on a scheme which turns money irrelevant. As a matter of fact they'd probably fight it tooth and nail, but that's another post for another time.

In previous posts I think I have made it clear that in a world family there is no need for money. Unfortunately, if we are to change over to World Family without riots and carnage, the simplest way is to initiate the reorganization with the necessary application of money, and to start, boatloads of it.

Here's why:

While it is remotely possible to bring up a new social system amid an old one, doing so would cause inevitable stresses to build up between overworked, underpaid citizens of the old system and their comfortable, content neighbors living under the new. Also, by living all in one location all citizenry will still be subject to the same crime, police brutality and unacceptable behaviors of the old system, which the new system promises to eradicate but cannot while dealing with the old problems. It is far easier and smarter to build anew, creating a remote new city that runs exclusively under the World Family banner.

Once built, a functional city of the World Family social system creates many of its own resources, through mining, timber, farming, remote services and power production, which can be used to trade among cities of the old system for the resources it is unable to produce or find. The attractive guarantees of the new system brings many new citizens from the old cities, increasing the labor and cerebral force needed to create even more new cities, designed with advanced concepts for human development. The strong new cities then send their techniques to the old cities, helping them to eliminate the crime and corruption which plagues their existence, slowly changing the old cities over to the new social system. And then we're done with the old system, and we can concentrate on bringing the entire country up to speed.

It's the first step which will be impossible without a lot of money. Do we use that money to hire contractors, pay for permits, or get fine corinthian leather for our vehicles? Do we spend it on security guards and spy systems and jail projects?

No. We use it for the basics.

This World Family plan starts with education. The money will first go to finding the people most amenable to joining a selfless plan for human advancement. These people go through a training and education system, which first must be designed and paid for. When they are ready they are moved to a temporary home at the site of the future city and are given tasks in their areas of determined ability. Most are part of construction crews and computer systems, the first wave that puts in place the physical buildings and electronic informational frameworks for the city. Information is the key to a streamlined operation and is the basis for the entire social model, guaranteeing that all people will be properly utilized, as well as making certain all work is spread evenly and with fairness.

Then begins the physical part. It's literally going to be a ground-up movement. World Family intends to be completely self-sufficient by mining our own metals, producing our own wood products, growing our own food and by making our own clothing. To do that, we will need machinery and raw materials to start, and a lot of them.

We buy those items first, buying them from the businesses of the old system. We then use the machinery and materials to create factories which produce the very items of technology we bought, freeing us from that attachment. Without being tied to a competitive model, our products are built to be stronger, work better and last longer, ultimately being offered on the outside market at prices too good to resist, guaranteeing income for use in bolstering the World Family program.

The machinery will be implemented to create farming operations and fish hatcheries to produce our own food. Sawmills will be built to create building products. Mining operations are created to obtain needed ores, and factories are built to modify those ores into usable resources. We set up hydroelectric and geothermal and wind and solar farms to free us from outside energy needs, selling the surplus back so the city may have resources from which to trade with the outside.

We build our own city using our own resources and our own labor force, whom we house and feed and educate and entertain and challenge and keep healthy, but don't compensate with money. In this way our city is erected quickly, cheaply and with regard to permanence, since cost-cutting becomes a non-issue in all areas of World Family life.
We create new technology designed to keep our human operations from polluting the environment and sell it to the outside, using the money for resources we currently have no access to. Down the line when World Family has taken root on a national level, these factories become the models for all new ones, producing needed goods and distributing them freely among all citizens.

We pioneer an ultrafast ground transportation, shooting people between cities in minutes instead of hours to reduce air traffic, and provide education and machinery to install them nationwide, becoming necessary job providers for an anguished nation.

We implement 'right place, right time' labor practices in the old cities, so that people with similar skills work at the job closest to their home regardless of company affiliations; and offer millions of lightweight electric self-driving carts to get them to their jobs, emptying the roadways, reducing accidents and stress.

We do all this to set the groundwork for World Family, the end result predicted by Perfect World theory. It is a world where every person is cared for, is educated and housed and fed and contributes the the betterment of the whole. It is a program designed to end human suffering and bring us to the next level of human development, enlightenment.

This selfless program is something the rich are too selfish and too frightened to pay for.

Enter lottery winners. Most lottery winners were, up until that announcement, of average or lower income. They've slaved at their jobs for years and invest in the weekly lottery as a dream of someday becoming happy. Then one day they win! Sadly, most don't know how to be happy. They don't know what to do with a large windfall and often spend it on self-centered and foolhardy things. Most of those people are trying to buy a little happiness, but end up being segregated from their friends, neighbors and family through the mechanisms of jealousy. Now they're alone in a mansion full of stuff and yet, they are still not happy.

Investing your windfall in the formation of humanity's final social system, the one which brings all people respect and enjoyment of life... I'm willing to bet that will make you happy. The fact that you are directly responsible for fixing the world through your unbelievably generous sacrifice, by default means that you will be loved wherever you go, appreciated and admired by all. And to an irrelevant extent you will, in all probability, get your money back as the cities become self-sufficient and productive. I say irrelevant because, once World Family is implemented, where would you spend it? It's a money-free society! You could possibly wallpaper your home with it, or crumple the bills up and use them for mattress stuffing or ceiling insulation... but not much else. And it wouldn't matter at all, since everyone already lives in their own preferred dwelling, eats well, gets plenty of rest, plays with their children, has full access to all services, works only a little, makes love plenty and spends the rest of the time philosophizing about humanity's inevitable next step to the stars... or wherever.

Yeah, you'll be happy.
Copyright 2011 Bruce Ian Friedman

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