Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lazy? Me? More like swamped, yo!

You may have noticed I haven't posted a word since April. Well, that's not for lack of trying. 

As of this moment, I have at least 5... that's 5IVE with a 5... posts which are in the works. Here's a brief rundown, keeping in mind that I hone the titles at the last moment to reflect each post's ultimate content... so don't judge the book cover by its title:

1) Forever is Far Away- A baleful look at the shape of human society on Earth after invention of the 'Live Forever' pill. It's a non-Perfect World short story which was not my own idea, but that of a fellow writer. He's been dragging his ass on finishing his book, so I began this similar work to stimulate his creativity and get him off his duff. It's his baby, and I've just stolen it. Delicious!

2) Untitled Short Story- Another non-Perfect World piece, this one moves in the opposite direction. It uncovers a magnificent plot to decimate the human population of Earth... but by whom? And why?

3) The Shape of Think to Come- This one's close to finished. It's an essay which observes the course of human interaction since the advent of the telephone, and speculates on several outcomes, both positive and very, very negative.

4) The Naughty and the Nice, Part 2- The exciting conclusion to the latest Perfect World short story, which follows the frightening misdeeds of a bad good guy... or is he a good bad guy?

5) The Aden Problem- This Perfect World short story reviews how the world's most perfect city... still ain't perfect. One of its citizens has a chilling idea on how to spread the word to the outside, an idea which is spreading panic among the good people of Aden.

I have another 5 which I've not yet abandoned... but also haven't returned to in a year or more. Fortunately, they are stories, not gardens... they'll keep.

At the very least, you can count this short notice as proof positive that I wrote SOMETHING in May 2011. Huzzah.